Pokémon Sleep
Pokémon Sleep
The Pokémon Company has revealed a new game that works as a sleep tracker.
Players can attract different types of Pokémon creatures based on whether they’re dozing, snoozing, or slumbering.
Rest is getting gamified as entertainment platforms turn their attention to health.
Edge: Zero Out
A new generation of young drivers is favoring stick-shift cars over automatic or electric vehicles.
Manual car sales are up for the first time in 10 years, while #SaveTheManual has 439 million views on TikTok.
In a pushback against automation, manual vehicles are celebrated for making driving fun again.
Edge: Travel Right
TikTok Time Limit
TikTok’s new digital wellness features will automatically limit teens to 60 minutes of daily screen time.
If teens opt out, they will be prompted to set their own limits—encouraging more mindful use.
The war on tech addiction is forcing social platforms to enforce healthier habits.
Edge: Platform Politics