Honest Eggs Co. is using fitness trackers to count how many steps their chickens take.
The step count will be printed on each egg—showing how free and healthy their chickens really are.
As shoppers look to buy better, brands are trading vague marketing lingo for quantified proof.
Edge: Conscious Convenience
TikTok is adding a dedicated STEM feed, allowing users to browse educational videos without distractions.
Every video will be vetted by independent organizations, ensuring accurate, high-quality content.
With more platforms focusing on specific passion points, topic feeds could be the future of social media.
Edge: Platform Politics
Inclusive Camera
Sony has released a $600 attachable viewfinder that allows the visually impaired to use a camera with ease.
The viewfinder projects images directly into the retina—marking a world-first practice.
Inclusive design is bringing once-excluded audiences into the visual arts.
Edge: Inclusive By Design