Calm Tech Certified
The Calm Tech Institute has launched a new certification program to endorse technology that prioritizes user well-being.
Products are assessed based on things like excess noise, affect on attention span, use of harsh lights, sensory engagement, and more.
In a time of intensified tech scrutiny, certifications will allow brands to prove their commitment to protecting mental health.
Edge: Mind Maintenance
Family Time
Starting April 2025, Tokyo’s public employees will shift to a four-day workweek in an attempt to boost fertility rates.
Under the plan, parents of young children will also be able to trade off a bit of their salary in order to clock out early.
With low birth rates attributed to long work hours, the government hopes that the time off will encourage people to start a family.
Edge: Work-Life Boundaries
Electric Lollipop
Hong Kong researchers have made a lollipop-like device that lets users taste nine different flavors in virtual reality.
The device works by embedding food-grade chemicals in tiny gel pockets that are activated by electrical currents.
This innovation could bring “taste” to virtual environments, making shopping and entertainment far more immersive.
Edge: Liquid Reality